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¡á How to Overcome the Name Errors in a newly proposed Personal Property Filing System in view of the recent U.S. Case

Although the digitalization of official registries of real estate, companies and other commercial transactions has enhanced the convenience and efficiency of their users, it also gives rise to unexpected problems. If a searcher made an error in spelling the item contained in the database, he could get "nothing" at all. If he did not recognize what he did wrong in search of the registry, he could not identify other creditors with priority and had to undergo a considerable loss.

Now the Korean government is pursuing a new collateral system which makes use of personal and non-real estate properties possessed by small companies. In view of the same kind of collateral system employed by the United States and Japan, the electronic filing seems to be inevitable in Korea.

When a creditor is going to advance backed by a corporate asset, he wants to know through the computer and the Internet the applicant debtor has granted which property to whom as collateral. If the data was mismatched with the search item or the searcher misspelled the search word, the searcher would be surprised to see other senior creditors prevail over himself with respect to the collateral. More often than not, we usually find ourselves in mistaking A Company for B Company. Sometimes the companies which changed their names on account of mergers and acquisitions, or corporate identity projects increasingly caused such mistakes and errors made by the public.

This article explains the UCC Article 9 filing system of the United States. Of course, the American collateral and filing system is quite different from that of Korea, which belongs to the civil law system. But the U.S. system has accumulated plentiful cases and experiences with respect to the filing system, which could be learned and shared by Korean legislators and lawyers for similar cases.

In his recent article, Professor Lynn LoPucki described the Spearing Tool decision of the Sixth Circuit in June 2005 as a disaster. He stressed that the decision eviscerated the debtor name error elimination project, on which scholars, Article 9 drafters and state filing officers collaborated for years, by holding a notice of tax lien filed in the Article 9 filing system to be effective even though it did not comply with Article 9's exact, correct name requirement.

In accordance with the Article 9 filing system, a holder of the prior security interest provides notice to subsequent potential creditors by filing a financing statement. If a search by the debtor name produces some results of security interests with priority, the searcher would decline to advance or require different terms of the loan. But if the debtor's name is spelled incorrectly in either the financing statement or the search request, the searcher could obtain a wrongful information.

However, the Sixth Circuit concluded that conducting a single search in the exact, correct name of the debtor under the current Article 9 filing system was not reasonable and diligent because the IRS's notice on tax lien of the debtor name using "&" and abbreviations is common. As a result, the revised Article 9 provisions to confer on lenders the ability to search in the exact, correct name of the debtor and be assured that they had found all effective all effective filings against the debtor are legally insufficient and sometimes even harmful to the searchers.

Here in Korea, we can expect the debtor name errors could undermine the new non-real estate collateral system because the newly adopted electronic filing system is not error-proof. Furthermore, under the civil law system, any error or mistake concerning the asset to be identified and secured would jeopardize the whole collateral system. In similarity to the case in Japan, the government is considering that the collectively administered inventory in a specified warehouse should be eligible for registration for granting collateral. If the filing method and procedures are not be specifically provided, the similar problems would remain.

The revised UCC Article 9 has adopted the point-and-click system to achieve debtor name-error free filing and searching at the place of incorporation. However, considering the lightening-speed innovation of information technologies and the technological neutrality, we had better make a choice of feasible technological alternatives.

In this regard, a sophisticated searching method employing artificial intelligence could be advisable. At present, a number of Internet portal services utilize the artificial intelligence to enhance searching efficiency. Take an example of POSCO which officially changed its name from Pohang Iron and Steel Manufacturing Corp. When a user inputs "Pohang Iron and Steel" or something like that, the searching window would complete automatically the searching word like "POSCO" in an exact and proper manner. In legal terms, such a method makes sense if the government would like to make the most of information technologies, which are believed to have a great impact on related industries.

Likewise, newly developed RFID sensor networks could make a perfect solution in Korea. If a RFID tag is attached to or imbedded in each personal property to be granted as collateral, the required information with respect to the debtor and creditors already stored in the RFID tag could be transferred to the electronic registry of the filing office. Only two items such as the registration date and serial numbers should be added by the filing officer. There could be no error or mistake regarding the identity of collateral. At present, a useful technology has been devised and patented in Korea for the purpose of secured transaction.